Saturday, May 25, 2019
June 2, 2019
Breaking Open the Scripture
Scriptures for June 2nd: Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53; Theme: Ascension
Acts: During the Easter Season, we give little attention to the ascension, when Jesus leaves his disciples. Even thought it is a very important part of our faith journey. What would life be like if Jesus was still present with us? Then it would not be up to us to do the work of Christ. We would get lazy and let Jesus have all of the fun. This is the moment that Jesus has been preparing his disciples for all along – when it would be up to them to carry on the faith. Most times Jesus is depicted as going up to heaven up on a cloud. The disciples stare at a space in the air where they think Jesus went. When Jesus says that he is now with the father. Heaven is a place in the hearts of the faithful, not a place in the sky. Jesus may be invisible as a spirit, but he has not left the earth. He is the life force that puts us in action to make a difference in our world in the here and now.
Luke: This reading also tells the story of Jesus going up to heaven. Jesus follows in the footsteps of Moses, Elijah, Enoch, and others who did not die, but were taken up to heaven in bodily form. If Jesus was still here, there would be no need for the comforter, the Holy Spirit. Scripture says that Jesus took them as far as he could go, and then he blessed them. It was that blessing that inspired them to praise God and to continue in the work. How often do we dwell on the things that we have lost in life, and stop in life and refuse to go farther. When we are to be reminded that nothing last forever, things always change, and we have to be willing to move forward from those moments. Grateful for the time that we had, but prepared for the days ahead. Jesus blesses us all, Jesus sends the comforter to us all, Jesus encourages us all to move forward, from whatever it is that puts us in a state of grief and morning.
Questions: How do you deal with loss? What encourages you to move forward? What tasks are you called to fulfill while on this earth? How do you know that Jesus’ spirit is still present in this world?
Friday, May 10, 2019
May 19, 2019
Breaking Open the Scripture
Scriptures for May 19th: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35: Theme: Acceptance of all of God’s People
Acts: This is an important verse on learning to understand others. Peter has been in ministry to the gentiles. Just as the Jewish powers that be were uncomfortable with Jesus not following tradition, they wanted to make sure that Peter followed his Jewish tradition. Peter had every intention to do just that, until God spoke to him and told him that it was okay to be accepting of others. It was okay to eat the things that they ate, in order to identify with them. When the authorities found out, they questioned Peter. Peter asked that the authorities not focus on what Peter did, but on what God was doing in the lives of the gentiles. As we struggle to understand the point of others, and to accept them, perhaps it is important for us to also look at what God is doing in their lives. If God accepts them as they are, shouldn’t we do the same?
John 13:31-35: Jesus has gathered his disciples together for the last meal. He knows that Judas will betray him. So when Judas is not in the room, he takes the opportunity to speak to the other disciples. Jesus gives them the commandment to love one another. Love is the message that Jesus has been giving all along. Love one another. Does that mean to only love those who are just like us, or do we love all of God’s children? Do we love our enemies? Are the a part of the one In the Christian family, there are many interpretations of how far our love is supposed to go. But Jesus does give us a hint of what he means, when he says that God is glorified in our love for one another. Who are the people who God loves? Does God just love those who are like us? Or does God love everybody? How do we show love to one another? All questions we have to ponder everyday.
Questions: When have you gone out of your comfort zone for your faith? What is God doing in the lives of people that you don’t understand? How does God call you to respond? What are you called to differently in order to “love one another”?
Saturday, May 4, 2019
May 12, 2019
Breaking Open the Scripture
Scriptures for May 12th: Acts 9:36-43, Psalm 23, Revelaion 7:9-17, John 10:22-30: Theme: Mother’s Day
Psalm: This is one of the most popular bible verses, but it’s popularity can stand in the way of us really thinking about what it has to say to us. This is the first bible verse that my grandmother taught me as a child. It is also usually the last verse that we read at a funeral. But if you really look at it, the psalm has a powerful message for Easter. The Lord provides all that we need to live – peace, protection, provision, and support. The Lord also sends people into our lives to be a part of the task of taking care of us. On this Mother’s Day it is fitting to remember how we have been taken care of. Jesus often quoted the psalms to remember the promises of God. Imagine Jesus saying this psalm daily – living a hope to dwell in the house of the each and every day – forever.
Acts: This is a story about the life of a faithful women who served God with her all. She served the church, she took care of others, she sewed and made things in order to help the church. So of course those who knew her would mourn her death. Her death was a great loss to the community. But it was also an opportunity for Peter to show the power of faith in Christ. Peter was able to raise her from the dead – and everyone was happy. That does not always happen in real life, that a loved is resurrected. But we can allow their legacy of faith to live on in us. We can give what we have received to others. We can live as faithfully as they lived. We can have hope in the resurrection to come, when that faith will finally live again. We can thank God for the modern Day Dorcas’s who work so hard to keep families and churches together.
Questions: How have you felt protection, peace and power this week? How do you seek to be in God’s presence daily? Who are the modern Day Dorcas’s in your life? How to you honor their legacy?
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