Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 27, 2012

Scriptures For May 27th: Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34,35; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27, 16:4-15; Theme: Pentecost; Song: Holy,Holy, Holy UMH 64 Acts: This is the classic story of the birth of the church. Jews from everywhere were in town to celebrate the fifty days after Pentecost. They gathered in the synagogue, and the Holy Spirit fell upon them. Jesus had told his disciples to just be patient and to wait for the Holy Spirit. If I am not mistaken he also told them that when it comes, they will know it. The Holy Spirit made itself known in a very mighty way. It was the birth of the church – when the spirit fell upon a group and people began speaking in different languages. The birth of a church was very sudden, because later, when the disciples told the gospel, 3000 people joined in one day. They did not do a lot of work, all that they did was to witness to what Jesus said. It was not what they knew, it was obedience to the will of God and the words of Christ. What would happen if we did the same? • John: This is the promise that Jesus makes – that the Holy Spirit is coming. And that things will happen when it comes. Jesus describes the ministry of the Holy Spirit: o To testify about Jesus (15:26) o To prove the world wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment (16:8-11) o To guide believers to the truth (verse 13) o To glorify Christ (16:14) o To declare the things of Christ to believers (16:15) It will give us the power to witness, and it will add power to our witness. God already has a plan for the salvation of the world. A plan so strong that there is nothing that we can do to sabotage it. There is reason for us to trust God and to trust his plan. Questions: How have you witnessed the Holy Spirit at work today? What difference does Pentecost make in your faith? When people are speaking in tongues, who is present to interpret what is being said? How is that a message from God? How do you wait on God? How do you know when the Holy Spirit has arrived? What gifts have you received from the presence of the Holy Spirit? Do you have hope for the future of God’s church? How are you preparing for that future?

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