Sunday, October 30, 2016

November 6, 2016

Breaking Open the Scripture Scriptures for November 6th: Daniel 7:1-3,15-18; Psalm 149, Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6:20-31; Theme: Remembering our Saints; Song: Holy, Holy Holy UMH 64 Daniel: Many people are afraid of this book. It is the precursor for the Book of Revelation. And Daniel forsee’s a very definite future for both his captors and his own people. But this is more a book of visions. Daniel receives a vision of the future from God and he is just passing it on. As we think of our ancestors on this day, let us remember their visions. We are the people who are intended to make those visions come true. Our forefathers and mothers may have a better incite on the world and its events then we do, they have seen it all before. They more disturbed by what they see, but we in the living world have the power to change it. Luke: Luke is talking about the promise of heaven. Those who are qualified to go to heaven are those who follow in Jesus footsteps in any circumstance. Heaven is for those who earn it. The life that we live on earth is not meant to be ideal and perfect. It is full of challenges that prepare us for heaven. Heaven is for those who dare to be different. We can be grateful for the rules and discipline that our parents taught us. Many children are not learning those same values. But those values come straight for this verse, to do the right thing in all circumstances, you will be blessed in the end. Questions: Who is your family always had visions of the future? How did you live out those visions? How do those visions inform our actions? What important values were present in your family? Why were those values important? Do you believe in heaven? How does your belief affect the way in which you treat people?

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