Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 25, 2018

Breaking Open the Scripture Scriptures for February 25th: Genesis 17:1-7,15-16; Psalm 22:23-31; Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38 Theme: Second Sunday of Lent Romans: The Hebrew Bible reading for this week deals with covenant that God made with Abraham. He promised he and his wife that their descendants would be as plentiful as the stars. Abraham was willing to pull away from his family traditions and follow God. Today, Abraham’s descendants are from three religions: Jewish, Christian, Muslim. We are called the people of the book. In Romans, Paul reminds us that in order to be a part of Abraham’s family, we have to have the same faith, and the same obedience. We have to be willing to follow God where God leads us in this day and age. Genesis: This scripture outlines the original promise that God made. Abrahams and Sarah thought that it was ridiculous that a couple in their nineties would have a baby, but it happened…because they were faithful. They were willing to take God at God’s word. It was God who told Abraham not to get caught up into his family and to walk away to go to a new place, where he could hear God’s word clearly. In return, God promised that Abraham and Sarah would not only have one baby, they would have so many that they could not be counted. During the season of lent, we look at the promises that God made. This is the first one. Today, Jews live not only in Israel, but they live all over the world. God also made a promise that God would not destroy the world by flood anymore. Every time there was a doubt about the future, God’s promises opened a door and created a new way. Questions: What are the promises that God is making to our generation? How is God asking us to be faithful? Is there a way for all of Abraham’s children to be on one accord? This lent, what are you doing in order to hear God in your life?

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