Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 22, 2018

Breaking Open the Scripture Scriptures for July 22nd: 2 Samuel 7:1-14, Psalm 89:20-37; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56; Theme: What does it mean to be the Church? Ephesians: This is an affirmation that the church is the family of God that is connected to original people of God. As the church started to grow with new and different people. There were many people who did not know the history of the church, who did not realize that the church has a deeply rooted purpose. The church gives us a vision of what heaven will be like. The church should reflect the world, and how people who come from different backgrounds can all get along. If we don’t like the people that we come in contact with in church, how do we think we will like heaven, when we will be with the exact same people? Mark: Jesus sent the disciples out two by two to do ministry. When they return from their mission they are downtrodden from all of the flack that they received from others. When they return they learn that John the Baptist has been beheaded which adds insult to injury. So they are looking to Jesus to give them a sense of comfort. Jesus encourages them to keep doing the ministry. Jesus continues to heal, and as word spreads, more and more people are coming. The healing ministry becomes more and more important, so Jesus tells them that they cannot quit now. Everyone who came to healing, received it no matter what. Questions: Why do you think that the church is important? What do you like about the people in your church? What do you dislike? Have you ever experienced healing for a problem? How can you help to heal the problems of others? How can you represent Jesus in your context?

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